About the Patient Participation Group

We would like to know how we can improve our service to you and how you perceive our surgery and staff. 

To help us with this, we have a patient participation group (PPG). The PPG gives our patients the opportunity to voice their opinions about the surgery in general as well as to propose possible improvements to meet the needs of our patients.

We have regular meetings with the PPG (Participation Group) throughout the year which normally last for about an hour so if you are interested in joining the group, it will not take up too much of your time. 

We would welcome new members to the group from all walks of life so that we have a representation of all of our practice population. For example, families with children, retired persons, working persons, as well as those patients who are looking for work, elderly as well as young patients. We would also welcome carers to the group. (Carers do not have to be registered as patients to voice their opinion on behalf of the person they care for).

If you are interested and you would like to join the PPG please complete our online form


What is a Patient Participation Group?

A Patient Participation Group is a selection of patients and practice staff, who meet regularly, to decide ways of making a positive contribution to the services and facilities the practice offers to its patients.

They provide practical support, encouraging patients to take more responsibility for their own health and are involved in some discussions regarding the development of the practice. The group provides a good communication channel between the practice and its patients.

Practice Participation Groups thrive on co-operation between practice staff and patients, good organisation and maintaining a good level of membership.


The core purpose of the group is:

  • To discuss topics of mutual interest relating to the practice
  • Provide the means for patients to make positive suggestions about the practice and their own healthcare
  • Provide feedback from patients
  • Act as a representative group to support the practice in its dealings with other bodies such as the Primary Care Trust

Some Patient Groups extend their involvement with the practice to include:

  • Publishing regular newsletters and/or information on practice websites
  • Establishing services to patients, such as volunteer transport to the surgery or local hospitals
  • Befriending vulnerable patients
  • Establishing a Carers group
  • Organising health education activities within the practice
  • Fund raising to help the practice provide new equipment


Patient Participation Groups are run in a similar way to most organisations:

  • They have an elected committee
  • Each meeting has an agenda and minutes are recorded
  • Each group needs to have ground rules, these should be agreed from the outset, such as patient confidentiality, and that the group should not be seen as a complaints forum
  • The group should establish reasonable short and long-term objectives

Patient Participation Groups can provide invaluable support to the practice, staff and patients. This is something we are hoping to introduce here, therefore, any ideas or suggestions you may have will be very welcome, as indeed will any volunteers. 


The information you supply us will be used lawfully, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. The Data Protection Act 1998 gives you the right to know what information is held about you and sets out rules to make sure that this information is handled properly.